Divine Mercy Catholic Church





(Infants & Children)

At least one godparent must be a registered and practicing Catholic.  The godparent will need a letter from their parish if not a member of Divine Mercy. Families seeking baptism should be registered in the parish.  Parents are asked to call the Parish Office and schedule a meeting with Fr. John Giel and Mary Frances Coburn.  They are asked to watch an online video series which they can access at divinemercyfl.formed.org. Then search for the four part series called "Reborn".  Upon completing the videos and the necessary paperwork, the date can be scheduled.  Baptisms will be scheduled with Mary Frances (no baptisms take place during Lent) and will take place during Mass. 

Please contact Liz Carmen for more information.


Adults wishing to receive Holy Baptism for the first time must attend RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) sessions.  For more information please contact Liz Carmen