Welcome to the Divine Mercy Youth Ministry webpage.
Here you can find all information on upcoming events, any needed paperwork, contact information and photos from past events.
Divine Mercy Youth Ministry strives to: Connect with our youth in a way that fuels their passion for God; empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today; draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community; and foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.
Those wishing to volunteer their time and talent by serving as chaperones or drivers, and helping with fund-raising events, are most welcome to join this ministry.
Please feel free to contact our lead of Youth Ministry Danielle Cardamone with any questions related to our EDGE or LifeTeen groups.
Religious Education for 7th and 8th graders is called Edge and those sessions meet on Wednesday evenings from 6 – 7:15 PM.
LifeTeen is the Program for 9th through 12th grade students, and they meet the first Sunday of each month from 11:30 AM– 2:30 PM for our LifeTeen Mass followed by meal and meeting. They will also meet on most Wednesday evenings from 6 – 7:15PM *Check the calendar for exact meeting dates*
Confirmation is made in 8th grade here at Divine Mercy. If you have not received Confirmation and are past 8th grade you are still welcome to sign up for classes. Please reach out if that is the case so we can get you set up correctly to receive.
Wednesday night classes once a month will focus on the Sacrament and we will have one Sunday prep session with parents also in attendance.
October 27 9:30 AM – 11 AM : Confirmation Prep Session
April 23 6:15 PM : Confirmation Rehearsal
April 27 11:30 Mass : Confirmation
EDGE (7th/8th) has begun! We meet in the youth room at 6:00 PM and will be finished by 7:15 PM. Please fill out a religious education registration packet as well as an EDGE registration form.
Lifeteen, for highschoolers, will attend Mass once a month together and then move over to the youth room for a meal and meeting. We will be done by 2:30 PM. If you are unable to attend 11:30 Mass, you are still welcome to attend the meal and meeting. Lifeteen registrations and calendar are available in the Narthex, at the parish office or using the links below.
EDGE Registration
All 7th & 8th graders need to fill out the normal Religious Education K-8 Registration packet.
In addition, if you are in EDGE please fill out this form.
Religious Education (K-8) Registration *One Medical Form per Child*
LifeTeen Registration
All 9th-12 graders joining us for LifeTeen please fill out a registration form the 24-25 school year.
Curremt Month Calendar
Upcoming Events