Divine Mercy Catholic Church


Did you know in order to volunteer with anything involving money, youth, or elderly you need to participate in an online “Safe Environment” training as well as be fingerprinted through the Diocese? As a Parish we rely on our volunteers and greatly appreciate them, but we also have to make sure that we are always putting safety first.



All volunteers are required to get fingerprinted and complete a “Safe Environment Training” for the Diocese of Orlando every five years.

Please click the button below to complete the “Safe Environment Training”.

Please note the Safe Environment Certification process consists of 2 steps:

Step 1: Safe Environment video and quiz

1. The button below will bring you to the website. Watch the Safe Environment Certification video.  The video is about 25 minutes long.

2. When the video is complete, read the Diocesan Standards of Conduct and agree to terms.  Proceed to quiz.

3. Enter the entity code:  49    Choose your role/applicant type.  Click "next" to take the 20 question quiz.

4. Passing scores are 80% or above.

If you pass, you may immediately download your certificate.  Results will be emailed to your diocesan entity and to the office of Human Resources.   Once the Safe Environment Certification quiz is complete it will let you register for fingerprinting.

Step 2: Fingerprinting

It will also provide you with all the steps to then register for fingerprinting. The website it will direct you to is www.fieldprintflorida.com  You need to create an account in order to complete all of these steps. When you continue to schedule an appointment to get fingerprinted use this Fieldprint Code in the box (case sensitive): FPDMPChVol



If you have any questions or need additional assistance please contact Robin Lake in the parish office (321)452-5955 ext:108 or email volunteers@divinemercychurch.org